Primary tumor thickness cannot be assessed, e.g., in cases of curettaged primary tumor.
No information
No evidence of primary tumor, e.g., in occult melanoma or completely regressed primary tumor.
(Melanoma In-situ)
≤1,0 mm
Unknown or not specified
< 0,8 mm
Without ulceration
< 0,8 mm / 0,8 mm – 1,0 mm
With ulceration / With/Without ulceration
>1.0–2.0 mm
With ulceration
>2.0ā4.0 mm
>4.0 mm
A clinically 'occult' metastatically involved lymph node (e.g., diagnosed using sentinel lymph node biopsy).
No regional lymph node metastasis
A metastatically involved lymph node OR in transit, satellite, and/or microsatellite metastases WITHOUT a metastatically involved lymph node.
A clinically metastatically involved lymph node.
No regional metastatically involved lymph node.
Two or three metastatically involved lymph nodes OR in transit, satellite, and/or microsatellite metastases with one metastatically involved lymph node.
Two or three clinically 'occult' metastatically involved lymph nodes (e.g., diagnosed using sentinel lymph node biopsy).
Two or three metastatically involved lymph nodes, with at least one lymph node clinically diagnosed.
One metastatically involved lymph node ('occult' or clinically diagnosed).
Four or more metastatic lymph nodes OR intransit, satellite and/or microsatellite metastases with two or more metastatic lymph nodes OR āclusteredā lymph node conglomerate WITHOUT intransit, satellite and/or microsatellite metastases
Four or more metastatic lymph nodes in which at least one lymph node has been clinically diagnosed.
Two or more āoccultā or clinically metastatic lymph nodes and/or āclusteredā lymph node conglomerate
No distant metastasis.
Presence of distant metastasis.
Distant metastases, particularly in the skin, soft tissues including muscles, and/or non-regional lymph nodes.
Distant metastases, particularly in the lungs; with or without involvement of the sites coded under M1a.
Not determined or not documented.
Distant metastases, particularly in other visceral sites WITHOUT CNS involvement; with or without involvement of the sites coded under M1a or M1b.
Not determined or not document
Distant metastases, particularly in the CNS; with or without involvement of the sites coded under M1a, M1b, or M1c.
Modified from Gershenwald JE et al.: Melanoma staging: Evidence-based changes in the American Joint Committee on Cancer eighth edition cancer staging manual. CA Cancer J Clin. 2017 Nov;67(6):472-492.
T1a T1b
N0 Nx
T2b T3a T3b
T4a T4b
N1b, N1c
Any T, Tis
Any T
Any N
N2b, N2c, N3b or N3c
N1a or N2a
N1b/c or N2b
N2c or N3a/b/c
Any N ≥N1